Discord Integration and Management 3 years ago

Discord Integration and Management


Flixout is proud to announce version 1.1.0 of our video CMS platform which is now live for all channels. This release is minor but brings a major integration, Discord capabilities. Channel owners can now integrate their Discord guild with the Flixout platform for easier Discord server member management.

Video CMS Discord Management

Having our video CMS platform integrate with Discord will give our channels seamless control over their members and the roles assigned to audience members simplifying Discord management. Once you link your Discord guild, the FlixBot will be added to the guild. FlixBot will then be able to automatically add new audience members to the guild once the member clicks a Join Our Discord button placed prominently throughout your Flixout channel. This will link these members with the platform. Should the user already be a member of your Discord channel, clicking a link within your channel on the Flixout platform will link the Discord account with your Flixout channel.

Channel owners can then assign Discord roles to any plan setup within Flixout. When an audience member subscribes to the plan, FlixBot will automatically assign the associated role in Discord to that member. Should an audience member decide to cancel their subscription, the role will be removed automatically at the end of the subscription period. This process will help our channels with a Discord guild better manage their users without needing to track who belongs to what role manually.

Why assign a Discord role?

Discord makes managing members easy through the role attribute. With roles, you can configure within Discord different capabilities and Discord channel membership based off the roles. This allows channel owners to segregate and reward the most engaged members of their Discord guild, giving added capabilities and displaying those members that are a premium subscriber over the room lurkers. The possibilities are endless by having the Flixout platform assign your subscribing audience member roles automatically. 

Future Discord Plans

In future releases, we plan on adding some additional optional capabilities to this Discord functionality. This includes:

-Assigning roles to members not yet subscribers, rewarding Discord members for simply registering for an account on your channel
-Channel announcements when you begin a live stream
-Channel announcements when you add new content
-Announcements when a member is assigned a role

We hope to have these additional capabilities integrated and released within the next week so check back soon.

Categories: Developments


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